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Vendor Online Form


Vendors: The items accepted have to be Family friendly hand-crafted items, fine arts, and Direct sales businesses. Only 1 direct sale business of each company allowed. Please bring your own table unless you have checked the box requesting one and added the amount onto your total, your table must be no bigger than 5ft unless you paid for a bigger space. 2 chair will be provided per space. All items need to remain on your table or behind your table. All space must be kept clean and in order at all times. Make sure all garbage is pickup once you leave. Any garbage left will cause you from not being allowed back to another event. Vendors are not allowed to let another vendor set up in their booth unless given permission and fee has been paid. No vendor space is Reserved without payment. We can not accept vendors who have been an issue with us in the past or at other vendor events. No vendors will be allowed to remain at our event if they are being disrespectful to staff, other vendors or volunteers.

Booth Space: The booth space is for one company/person only. You will not be allowed to invite a friend/company to join you at your booth space without them paying for their own space. All vendors will be required to submit a picture of prior booth spaces or the items you sell before being approved to participate with us. We will not be able to accommodate more people per space without paying for another space.

Application: Applications will be processed in the order received. Please email and check if no other DS (direct sale) vendors have submitted before filling out the online form. Event Coordinator will be in charge of all placement of ALL booth spaces and tables rented. No vendors are allowed to alter the layout.

Payment: Each vendor will have 2 days to pay for their invoice to reserve their space before passing it on to another vendor. NO REFUNDS so please make sure you can attend the event before requesting an invoice. If the invoice is sent 1 month before an event payment is due the next day!

Arrangement of Booth: The arrangement of booths will be the responsibility of the Event Coordinator and all vendors will know there spot the day of the Event. Vendors may not transfer there booth space to another Rep/Person

Set-up/Tear down: All vendors will have 1 hour and 45 minutes to set up before the start of each event. No Early Set-up available! All vendors must be set up 15 minutes prior to each start time. Any vendors who don’t respect our Policies will not be allowed back to any of our other events. Any vendors who don't show up 1 hour prior to each event will be removed and space will be given to vendors who are present. Please make sure to mark your calendar prior to scheduling an event. If you don't show up to a paid event you will not be allowed to return to another event even if it's paid for. It takes too much of our time to arrange booth spaces on the day of because someone else doesn't show up. If you arrive late to set up space will be assigned to another vendor. No vendor can arrive more than 45 minutes prior to each event and expect to set-up.

Refund: No refunds will be given after you pay your invoice!

Booth Spaces may not be transferred to another person or company!

Raffle Item: A Raffle item/basket will be required for each event and must be turned in on Friday’s 1 week prior to each event. Please make arrangements to drop off the item at the office. Call/Text the office at (509) 222-8008 to arrange a time. No specific value on the item is required but please consider all funds raised will benefit the Family Resource Center of Tri-Cities Annual Events. We reserve the right to deny participation to any participant who neglects/abuse or offends other participants, staff, and clients, In regard to safely, conduct violations, or any problems which detract from the benefit or enjoyment of any other participants, or detract from the program itself. Anyone who fails to follow the above policies will not be allowed to participate in other events coordinated by us. Raffle items are property of the Family Resource Center of the Tri-Cities. If no raffle tickets are placed in your prize we will use the Raffle item at another event.

Terms & Agreement

I have read & agreed to the terms of the Vendor form and Policies for the events and understand every attempt will be made to honor any of my requests. However, I will abide by the final decision of the Project Coordinator. I will share all policies with anyone who assists me the day of the event(s), I also agree to not hold the Family Resource Center of Tri-Cities, Staff, Volunteers and/or Coordinator liable in the case of accidental injury or loss to me, any persons with me, or any merchandise or personal property in my control or of any changes the to the event schedule or event date due to weather, fire, mother nature or emergency on behalf of the coordinator. I understand should such change happen to the schedule or time I will be given priority to another event in their upcoming schedule.

Prices vary depending if you have Handcrafted items,

are a Direct Sale Vendor or a Food vendor. 

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